Bad Sex is abuse too!!
BAD SEX qualifies as abuse too!
As we observe the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence,may we remind ourselves and our men, that sex without "her" consent is rape! I guess this is known to you,although many still find it non-nonsensical. Now on to another aspect of consent, whereas I am not an expert, but as a layman who has a particular interest in social justice, may i take a shot to take all our beloved brothers into this conversation-just for clarity!
#1. You see WOMXN love sex as much as you do,maybe even more than you do! So this simply means,this indulgence is palatable when i consume it when i really feel like it or when i can psych myself to accommodate you! So next time when she says "not tonight babe, you should understand and appreciate that! Because truth is there are so many times (you know man!) when you have said,"babe I am tired"-and no offence was taken.
#2. Brothers,can we not apologize for wanting and enjoying sex too? Because truth is we are all sexual beings! The religious moment that you experience is true and same to mine. We cannot afford to be made to feel guilty for loving sex!Its a sinful accusation which is unfair to us as children of men!
#3. We respect that you have successfully learnt all car models,and beer labels and flavours,and all other issues and non-issues that go with your interest. We will surely award medals if while you are with the boys,you get to touch on "how to make a woman come" discussions. Is there fairness that 85% of African women will die not having experienced an orgasm?
#4."Batho ha ba jooe"! Akere rea utloanang makhooa? (loosely translated: people are not eaten). If a woman decides to have sex with you,its because they want to, and there is something in it for them,they just want that too!You need to unlearn this nonsense that "you chow people". You can never have someone who doesn't want you to have them!
And just for the record,a larger percentage of women engage in sex when they have feelings for the said person! So you may now get off your high horse and rest in this new knowledge that "its a two way street" * We do it* -You don't do me!mxm!
#5. Ladies, we need to speak up about of sexual preferences without being made to feel guilty; we need to gain the freedom to discuss sex issues with our partners without being made to feel like we are promiscuous. We need to insist on the use of protection if we feel we are not secure in whatever knowledge that puts us at ease! We need to own our bodies and the pleasures we seek for them-as per God's rule permitting!
If we cant reach an agreement on the ideal modus operandi, we might as well then let sex be for reproduction only!